It's time to announce the winners for the Polaris Bundle contest. First I would like to say thank you to everyone who entered. All the entries were awesome! There was some really great and creative ideas! However, I could only pick four winners So here they are!
Grand Prize
Permanent Pennyfarthing Mount, Black Rain Shades and 10k crowns
Quick Lucas Newell
First Prize
Permanent Pennyfarthing Mount, Black Rain Shades and 5k crowns
Perilous Lenora Thatcher
Second Prize
Pernament Pennyfarthing Mount and 2,500 crowns
Cunning Jack
Third Prize
Black Rain Shades and 2,500 crowns
Dante West
Congrats to the winners! You can read all the winning entries below, copy and pasted exactly as I received them. And thanks again to everyone who entered! Be sure to watch for more contests and giveaways soon!
Quick Lucas Newell
House: Emperor
Napoleguin’s Royal Castle
Emperor Napoleguin’s Royal Castle is a house in a Polaris
setting. The exterior consists of several frozen mountains, their peaks
stretching as high as the top of the Castle. There are also many trees outside,
all of them covered with ice and snow. Even the ground has snow on top of it,
making it have a feel of wintertime and a cold environment.
The inside is what truly makes the house fit to be associated
with Mr. Napoleguin. There will be pillars on either side of the front door,
stretching up to the ceiling of the room. There is mostly an empty space here,
fit for decorating as desired. To the left, there will be an opening leading to
another room, which will be a room entirely dedicated to Napoleguin, with a
statue of him towards the back of it and medals and emblems given to him on the
walls. To the right of the main room is an area to “warm up” from the cold,
which has a nice, warm feel to it that is perfect for relaxing or entertaining.
Both the left and right rooms will lead to a room farther back into the Castle,
which puts the “royal” in Emperor Napoleguin’s Royal Castle. There is a large
throne towards the back and a red carpet leading down to it. Statues of
Penguins who served in the Polarian Revolution and the Polarian War are to the
sides of the red carpet, as well as statues of what used to be Napoleguin’s
There will be stairs leading up from the back room to a
second floor. Here is a Polarian themed Tavern area, with a long table and
several stools near it. It is still frozen and snowy like the rest of the
house, and even the table looks as if it is made completely out of ice. One
final room is connected to the Tavern area, which is Napoleguin’s planning
room. There are maps of the entire Spiral on the wall (and some worlds we’ve
never been to, as well!) and a map on a desk, which can be seen as a map of
Valencia. It has a large X over an area known as Cadiz, showing that the Castle
is not just Napoleguin’s home, but it is your Pirate’s now, too, so your
missions and goals will be thought out here, too. Much of the house has very
open, leaving room for it to be decorated with your own personal touch.
With Napoleguin trying to regain his throne back in Polaris,
his Royal Castle might be empty for a little while. Long enough for your Pirate
to occupy it for their own home with the purchase of this bundle!
Companion: Penguin
The Penguin Revolutionist is a veteran from the Penguin
Revolution, fighting under the legion of Emperor Napoleguin himself. He was
deemed one of Napoleguin’s most tactical soldiers and saved Napoleguin from
capture several times from the Walrus Tsars. After the Revolution was won, he
was called upon once again many years later to fight in the Polarian War. The
Penguin Revolutionist was issued to be a Captain of his own legion, but led his
crew to disaster at the hands of the Royal Navy. After a well-devised
distraction, he was able to escape from the clutches of Marleybone and fled on Marleybonean
ship. As it turned out, it was bound for a Marleybonean colony in Skull Island:
Port Regal. It was there that this brilliant soldier heard that a familiar
friend was locked up in Fort Elena, the top prison in Port Regal: Emperor
Napoleguin. He bought his own ship and found the Pirate after he began to start
a new life and joined their crew, promising to not only help stop the Armada
and find El Dorado, but to avenge Napoleguin and return him to his previous state
as the supreme ruler of Polaris.
Class: Musketeer
Starting Epic: True Grit
*Comes with one extra Epic Talent*
Epic Pool: Crossfire, Double Tap, Quick Adjust, Quick Draw,
True Grit
Starting Powers: Guaranteed Critical Strike (+1), Musketeer’s
Menacing (x1 Damage, -25% Agility to enemy and -1 Speed for 3 Rounds)
One Promotion (Quest!!): Gains two additional Epic Talents,
Musketeer’s Menacing changes to Musketeer’s Munition (x1 Damage, -25% Agility
and -25% Damage to an enemy and -2 Speed for 3 Rounds)
Note that this is a ranged companion with a range of 5,
similar to the range of Bonnie Anne, Jane Canary, Buffalo Bill, Loius le
Bisque, etc.
Title: Penguin Revolutionist
Title After First Promotion: Penguin War Veteran
Name: Randomized – The name for this companion consists of
two parts, a military title and a first name. The first names are similar to
those that the pirate can choose when they are creating their character, but
are more limited to those that fit the theme of this companion. The military
titles include Corporal, Sergeant, Commander, Captain, Lieutenant, and General.
The Penguin Revolutionist cannot be obtained through means
other than purchasing this bundle.
Mount: Ancient
Walrus Tsar
There’s something about Polaris that not many people know…
it’s actually based upon Imperial Russia, too! Of course, the Penguin
Revolution changed that, and now it’s more based upon France, but, when we do
venture off to Polaris, we might just see some ties to the Soviet Union! So,
this Ancient Walrus Tsar is just that. He managed to escape Polaris when the
days of the Polarian War began, and has sought a master ever since. He’s not
too trained in the arts of combat, so he is content with taking his Captain
wherever s/he needs to be, and, secretly, hopes to return to Polaris one day to
see the state it has “fallen” to. Perhaps he may even believe that his
cowardliness has brought Polaris’ fate upon the civilization, but, if he
manages to reach El Dorado with the Pirate and their crew, he may just be satisfied
with the knowledge that the entire Spiral will be safe once more.
Pet: Polar Bear
This pet is a Polar Bear who claws at its enemies with its
paws to attack. Its critical animation is jumping up in the air and pouncing on
the enemy, then jumping back off. It’s more of a… vicious… type of creature
from Polaris, to say the least.
Starting Epic:
Ship: Polarian
The Polarian Warship is said to be straight from the
Polarian War, used by a trusted soldier of Emperor Napoleguin (no, not the
Penguin Revolutionist companion – he has many, many other trusted soldiers!).
However, the captain abandoned their ship for unknown reasons, leaving it
behind in a Skull Island port. A note on it read “Skyway Captains of the Spiral – take this ship as ye see fit to do so!
Use it better than I, an’ only use it for the good of the Spiral!” Sounded
promising enough, so, as the Pirate came across this Polarian Warship, it is
now under their control!
The Polarian Warship is a Frigate, but it is a strong
Frigate, at that. As other bundle ships do, this ship comes in tiers – a Level
10+ tier, a Level 20+ tier, a Level 30+ tier, and so on, in intervals in ten,
up to a Level 60+ tier. Obviously, the higher tier you redeem, the stronger the
ship will be. But, if you redeem a lower tier, you can use it sooner, so choose
As Polarian ship gear is not yet available for those who do
not purchase this bundle, the Polarian Warship will come with a full set of
ship gear that can be equipped to it. It is significantly stronger than other
ships around its level, but it is, of course, still in line with them and would
not be considered overpowered.
Gear: Napoleguin’s
Napoleguin’s Headgear of the Strong (Hat), Napoleguin’s Coat
of War (Outfit), Napoleguin’s Shoes of Invulnerability (Boots).
Weapon: Napoleguin’s
Pistol of Lost Time
Don’t forget the
weapon! The Polarian Wartime Bundle comes with Napoleguin’s Pistol of Lost
Time, a one-handed pistol that packs quite a punch in combat!
The gear and weapon all have tiers like the Polarian Warship
in intervals of ten, starting at Level 10+ and ending at Level 60+. The
statistics for the Level 60+ tier of the gear are as follows:
Level 60 Hat:
+10 Accuracy
+5 Dodge
+5 Armor
+30 Resistance
+10 Agility
Comes With One Card:
Musketeer’s Mastery
Level 60 Outfit:
+15 Accuracy
+5 Dodge
+5 Armor
+45 Resistance
+15 Agility
+150 Health
Comes With One Card:
Musketeer’s Mettle
Level 60 Boots:
+5 Accuracy
+5 Armor
+20 Resistance
+10 Agility
Comes With One Card: Guaranteed
Critical Strike (Ranged)
Level 60 Weapon:
Bonus From Agility
156 – 254 Magical
4 Attack Range
Comes With One Card:
Penguin Rush!
Card Effect: x1
Damage, Cone Formation, -25% Accuracy to Enemy, Lasts 5 Turns
Penguin Rush! is
basically the opposite of Bonnie Anne’s Scatterblast power, as this power
reduces the Accuracy of enemies while her Scatterblast power reduces the dodge
of enemies.
*Important Note*
While only the Level
60+ tiers of the gear are listed here, it is worth mentioning that the cards to
not change as the tiers increase or decrease. So, Musketeer’s Mastery,
Musketeer’s Mettle, Guaranteed Critical Strike (Ranged), and Penguin Rush! will
all be on any tier of the gear that you redeem.
Also, the Penguin
Rush! card has a more comical animation. The player holds up one hand in the
air, signaling a group of Penguin Soldiers to march in across the area affected
by the blast. They will basically walk right over any enemy in that range,
damaging them and reducing their Accuracy by 25% for 5 turns.
By the way… it might
not be best to tell Napoleguin that you took one of his sets of attire and his
prized weapon. Just making a guess here, but it probably won’t sit too well
with him.
*Note from Autumn* Lucas also sent in an awesome quest story he wrote for the companion he created for his bundle. If you would like to read it, click this link: Sorry, this page is no longer available
Perilous Lenora Thatcher
I think of Polaris as a cross between the South Pole but with Russian/Poland tendencies.
My Polaris Bundle would include the following:
An Igloo House-This house would look like a traditional igloo but with LOTS of room AND many rooms on the inside. The dome portions could be turned so that there were plenty to connect and doorways (not needed on ALL the domes) to get outside to different areas. There would be ice everywhere inside and out to celebrate and honor Polaris's wintery landscape. There would be a frozen ice pond where our Charity Fa-la-la-llamas could skate to their bleating hearts content. Even though the house for our pirates is an igloo it would be nestled into a snow covered pine forest. You would be able to see the Polarian Metropolis off toward the horizon where there are building and shops with the colorfully twisted turrets (like pictured). It would look just like one of those Christmas snow globes. There will also be a PvP area on another pond.
Pics attached to this are: Double igloo, Snow Village, & the Russian Federal building.
My Polaris Bundle would include the following:
An Igloo House-This house would look like a traditional igloo but with LOTS of room AND many rooms on the inside. The dome portions could be turned so that there were plenty to connect and doorways (not needed on ALL the domes) to get outside to different areas. There would be ice everywhere inside and out to celebrate and honor Polaris's wintery landscape. There would be a frozen ice pond where our Charity Fa-la-la-llamas could skate to their bleating hearts content. Even though the house for our pirates is an igloo it would be nestled into a snow covered pine forest. You would be able to see the Polarian Metropolis off toward the horizon where there are building and shops with the colorfully twisted turrets (like pictured). It would look just like one of those Christmas snow globes. There will also be a PvP area on another pond.
Pics attached to this are: Double igloo, Snow Village, & the Russian Federal building.
Sled Dog Mount-This will be a two passenger mount. It will be a sled pulled by either 2 or 4 (depending on aesthetics) Siberian Husky dogs.
(I am basing this off of a level 65 pirate for the tiers)Napoleguin Admiral Attire-You will get the outfit that Napoleguin is wearing when we go to let him out of Fort Elena in Port Regal Skyway. The hat will come with a Cyclone Round power card, 15 Accuracy, 18 Will, 22 Armor, 9 Damage. The outfit will come with a Sniper Shot power card, 18 Agility, 34 Resistance, 9 Damage, & 83 Health. The boots will come with Cannister Shot power card, 10 Agility, 15 Dodge, 12 Resistance, 6 Damage
Charleville Musket-This is almost the same kind of musket that Napolean used. This weapon will come with an Overwatch card to give your pirate that ability when equipped. It is boosted by Agility and it's damage will vary depending on the tier. Around 255 for a level 65 pirate.
A Penguin Pet-This will be a little Penguin pet dressed up like a cross between a toy soldier and a Nutcracker. He will have one of those old fashion toy rifle guns that had the little rubber stopper tied onto a string (pop gun?). His attack will be to try to shoot the enemy but since the gun doesn't work he will reverse it and just bop them on the head with the stock end. His class (where he gets his JuJu from) will be Privateer with Strength. His Epic ability will be First Strike. Attached pic for this is of a toy pop gun
The price is $89 and it will be available at GameStop-This is a card like the Boochbeard bundle because you get a house, mount, companion, & pet! Not to mention that full year sub OR all those crowns to buy the game
Cunning Jack
House: A large glacier-like island, covered in snow. The
surrounding sky is dark blue. The main house looks similar to St. Basil’s
Cathedral. (Picture below.) In front of the structure, there is a large courtyard/PvP
Arena, up to 2v2. Many pathways encircle the island, and two lead into ice
caves. One cave is a large room, big enough to make into whatever you want.
(Treasury, Armory, etc.) The other is a secret entrance into the house. Inside
the house, there are 3 floors, not counting the turrets. The top floor leads
into the two turrets that can be entered, the main one on top of the house and
the rightmost one. There are three main rooms in the top floor. The ground
floor has five rooms, including the main hall. You can also enter the leftmost
turret from this floor. The basement has two rooms. The back room is missing
the left wall, as that is where the ice entrance connects to the house. This
room also has a stack of pickled herring in the corner (cannot be moved or
picked up.) Also, there are 5 turrets placed around the island that can be
entered, and two that can’t be entered that serve as the gate between the
island and the docks.
Ship: Similar to the kind seen in the Napoleguin puppet
show, a French style ship covered in icicles and frost. Galleon-sized. Can be
redeemed at the same tiers as the other bundle’s ships.
Figurehead: Emperor Napoleguin figurehead. Origin: Polaris
Size: Galleon. Looks like Napoleguin. Can be redeemed at the same levels as the
other bundle’s figureheads. Gives the following cards at each level it’s
redeemed: Frost Arrows, Frozen Grape Shot, Snow Queen, Icy Shot, Frozen Bar
Shot, Ymir’s Hammer, Frost Gorgon.
Outfit: Polaris Guard Uniform. Pictures below. Boots give
Will, Resistance, and Dodge. Outfit gives Strength, Health, Accuracy, and
Damage. Hat gives Agility, Armor, and Accuracy. Each will give powers depending
on the tier. Tier 3+ gives Discipline (Boots) and Claw Trap (Outfit). Tier 6+
gives Discipline (Boots), Bear Trap (Outfit), and Call to Arms (Hat). Redeems
at same levels as other outfits in other bundles.
Weapon: Imperial Guard Kit: A slashy/shooty weapon combo.
Relies on strength/agility (It gets the bonus from whichever you have more of,
i.e. if you have more strength than agility, the weapon gets a bonus from
strength and vice versa.) The sword looks like the Royal Navy Sabre from the
Admiral Bundle, but shorter with a gold hilt and blue blade. The gun looks like
a gold/blue flintlock pistol. Gives the epic Flanking. Redeems at the same
levels as the other bundle weapons.
Companions: One of five different companions. You get the
companion that is the same class as the pirate you redeemed it on, and unlock
the rest for purchase in the Crown shop. They all promote at level 25 for 2500
gold and level 55 for 5500 gold. They all gain two epics after the first
promotion, and one epic after the second promotion. They all have randomized
Polar Bear Recruit. Buccaneer. Wears a small cap and old
armor. Carries an axe. Comes with Critical Strike and Flanking. Upon promotion
1 (Polar Bear Guard), gains a larger fur hat and better armor. Gains Critical
Strike 2 and Valor’s Shield. Upon promotion 2 (Polar Bear Warden), gains gold
inlay for armor, hat, and axe, as well as several medals on his armor. (Picture
below.) Gains Critical Strike 3 and
Valor’s Fortress. Epics: Flanking, Hold the Line, Repel Boarders, Relentless,
Vengeance Strike.
Penguin Picket. Musketeer. Looks like Napoleguin’s personal
guard (Seen in Fort Elena), but plainer. Comes with Critical Strike and
Overwatch. Upon promotion 1 (Penguin Watcher), looks exactly like the
guardsmen. Gains Critical Strike 2 and Incendiary Shot. Upon promotion 2
(Penguin Sentinel), the uniform becones gold-lined and fancy, he gets gold
casings around the musket, and he gains lots of medals. Gains Critical Strike 3
and Inferno Shot. Epics: Overwatch, True Grit, Parting Shot, Quick Adjust,
Double Tap.
Fox Hermit. Witchdoctor. Female arctic fox. Wears a ragged
robe and has a wooden staff. Comes with Improved Mojo Blast and Ghostwail. Upon
promotion 1 (Fox Vagabond), robes become smoother and nicer, staff gains
crystal at top. Gains Soulreaver and Vulture’s Gift. Upon promotion 2 (Fox
Pariah), robes become ornate and fancy, staff becomes straight and crystal
becomes smooth. Gains Mournsong and Crow’s Song. Epics: Improved Mojo Blast,
Jobu’s Ruse, Mojo Rising, Readied Spell, Coward’s Bane.
Polar Bear Exile. Swashbuckler. Female Polar Bear. Wears
ragged, thrown-together armor, carries two rusty swords. Comes with Critical
Strike and First Strike. Upon promotion 1 (Polar Bear Rebel), armor becomes
more wholesome and clothes are less ragged. The swords are better looking, with
only a few rust spots. Gains Critical Strike 2 and Assassin’s Mist. Upon
promotion 2 (Polar Bear Revolutionary), armor is a general’s armor, and clothes
are not ragged at all. Swords are now gleaming and fancy. Gains Critical Strike
3 and Assassin’s Gloom. Epics: First Strike, Flanking, Riposte, Cheap Shot,
Second Chance.
Walrus Lieutenant. Privateer (ranged). Male Walrus. Wears
plain army clothes. Comes with Rouse and Parting Shot. Upon promotion 1 (Walrus
Captain), his clothes become fancier and he gains a few medals. Gains Rally and
Gunnery. Upon promotion 2 (Walrus Major), clothes become even fancier and he
gains more medals, and he has a (unusable) sword at his belt. Gains Revive and
Artillery. Epics: Parting Shot, Quick Draw, Overwatch, Burst fire, Crossfire.
Mount: Snow Leopard. Similar in animation to the jaguar
mount from the Tribal Crew Pack, but is a snow leopard. Very fast. No trade, no
1 month subscription or 5000 crowns.
Cost: $39.00 USD.
Dante West
The Polaris Bundle
1) Polaris Long Ship (similar to Viking long-ship, and unlike other Pirate 101 ships, this one has many great paddles along with the sails, making it one of the most maneuverable ships, as well as having short reload times with one of the fiercest projectiles-Valhalla Bolts)
2) Polaris Berserker Twins (two deadly Polaris Bear Warrior brothers that look like Viking Polar Bears; one brother functions as one of the most heavily armored tank Companions around-the best of the Buccaneers-and the other brother specializes as an attack-happy Swashbuckler; both have plenty of health to start with, and the Swashbuckler is slightly thinner than the Buccaneer)
3) Ice Palace Isle with an Igloo Housing Attachment (the player receives a glacial isle with a grand palace of icy spires and a customizable igloo "garage" or extra house)
4) Polaris Pack (the pack acquired through the Polaris Bundle is not a hoard pack, as it will ALWAYS include one of the biggest, yet still agile mounts-the Polaris Poliphant, which looks like a great, frosty blue Mammoth; two pets: the Polaris Lion-a ferocious lion/seal hybrid, and the Hyperborean Hydra-a magic frost dragon with a suitable number of heads; housing items such as: a Crystal Valhalla Throne, a Polaris War Shield and Axes, a Crystal Chandelier, a pile of Polaris Gemstones and Crystals, a blue and purple Polaris Carpet, a Polaris Mug, a Feast Table- with a feast fit for a Viking on a long table with benches-a letter of opened, frosted parchment entitled "War Dispatch," a Bed of Hides, and a book collection of icy blue tomes entitled "Lore of the Polarian Bear Kings;" the pack in the bundle will also include the Polarian Iron Warrior's Set, which includes: the Ice Trident [halberd/spear that is quite powerful, giving the user an added Avalanche skill], the Snow Scepter [casts an eerie blue glow and gives an added Blizzard skill], a Polarian Great Axe and Great Saber, a Polarian Shield and Cutlass [which looks to be fashioned from steel an a saber-tooth's fang], the "Hermit Collection" [Eskimo esc clothing and armor], the "Cold Mail Collection" [tough Polarian armor outfit, making the character look like a Viking], Polarian Throwing Axes, the Polarian Set [which has a Polarian Valhalla Crossbow and an Icicle Spear], dual-wielding Polarian Valhalla Crossbows, and dual-wielding Valhalla Cutlasses)
5) Polaris Berserker Twins Promotion Quests (which, upon completion of the side-story, will reveal the secret of the Lost Polarian Treasure...) *these quests will also include info on Arctic Environmental Preservation, but with kind, family-friendly learning lessons, and a portion of the money used to pay for the bundle will go to reputable charity organizations
6) 10,000 Crowns
Cost: $39 as the initial, introduction and promotional fee, and $49 after the limited-time beginning offer
Those are all the winning entries I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did! See you in the spiral :)
Just wanted to say thanks again for this contest, Autumn!
Also I loved everyone's ideas and would love to see quite a bit of them incorporated once Polaris really does come out :)
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