It is Arrrgust on Pirate101 and Kingsisle and our community manager (One Eyed Jack) are so Arrrsome that they gave me some Arrrmazing codes to give away! Okay, I am done with the "Arrr" puns now. :)
Anyway, I will be raffling off 5 codes for 2,500 crowns to five lucky winners. This raffle starts now and ends in 2 weeks! Also watch for a couple of other incrarrrdible contests to be announced over the next couple days! (Sorry, I had to put in just one more.) Good luck everyone! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, August 5, 2013
Arrrgust Raffle!
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my favorite housing item in pirate101 is the Dark Magic Cauldron,i think it looks cool because i'm a witchdoctor and this cauldron is kinda like the one vadima has, so i fancy it a lot!!
My favorite housing item is Overflowing Treasure because remind me of one of my favorite anime One Piece and makes feel like a real pirate with my chest gold in my boat lol. (sorry if I post 2 comments, I don't know if the first one was successful)
My Favorite House Item in Pirate101 has to be the perfume pots remember those autumn :P :)?
Thanks for the contest and happy arrrgust to every one.
I don't have a favorite, but I really like the Gobbler Pinata.
My favorite housing item is the fire place :D
I like the Gobbler Pinata!
My favorite housing item is the pile of treasure.
I like the new teleporter housing items
my favorite item is the golden chicken
I like best is the card table because it reminds me of the days I played cards with my friends :D
My favorite housing item is pillow.
My favorite item is the crowns/gold rotating island model!
My favorite housing item is the Blue Teleporter (I know, cliche) because it looks like the sea and is very fitting with a pirate theme.
The teleporting housing items are always the best. Thanks for the contest!
Gobbler Pinata!!!! :)
The gobbler pinata!
I really love the dark magic cauldron and thanks for the contest.
I know you said item and I love the fishtanks but my favorite new housing thing is the Witchdoctor house! It took me forever to get enough gold questing but it was well worth it! Two whole houses, tons of open space outside and full tunnels underneath both houses...NICE! Lol!
Airship Photograph!! :D Too unique! :)
I love that giant pile of gold.Gives me the pirate feeling.
Gotta love the Crowns. One of the most precious commodities (I think that's how ya spell that) in the game.
Aztecosaur Temple Statue!
The teleporters.
favorite housing item would have to be the teleporter(s)-helps with easy travel
My favorite housing item is the cardinal painting, that guy looks so cool on my wall
The Teleporters are the best Housing Item in the whole Game!
My favorite is the bedroom set!
I'm very fond of the ship in a bottle - the little waves move!
I love how detailed the new houses are.
I love the new houses and class housing packs. W101 needs to upgrade the class housing as well and have furniture packs for each school.
I love these new class houses, reminds me of the school house back when i used to play Wizard101
I love the little lamp that lights up. It's too bad that it doesn't fit on the bedside table but It looks great in the living room :D
I like the hammocks because it is very piratey!
Cant wait to get my hands on one of these houses, saving up as much gold as i can for them haha.
I'd have to say the red pirate couch is pretty nifty. Wish I could've owned that in real life ;)
My favorite items are the outside items like tenets and campfires and stuff like that.
My favorite items are pretty things like the bonsai plant.
I like the Dark Cauldron because it is unique and looks awesome with the Witchdoctor's House.
My favorite item is the witchdoctor's cauldron.
My favorite housing item is the Aztecosaur Throne. I like it because it kinda look cool for me.
Thanks so much for doing this!! :)
I like the hammock. I plan on putting mine outside underneath the trees so my pirate can feel the evening breeze & smell that old salty sea air.
I really like the globber piñata!!
My housing item on pirate101 is Golden Chicken! It is gold like El Dorado.
Gobbler Pinata! :)
My favorite housing item is being able to have my pets fly around.
i like the geisers! i love the red brick fireplace and outside fireplace as well.
my favorite housing item is the entry skull chamber doors in the witch doctor house in p101
Pile of Treasure of course :)
Gobbler Pinata! :D :D :D
My favorite housing item is the gobbler piñata. Brings back bday party memories as a child. :)
Oh, also, I really like the whole sets of the class housing items. It makes me feel class pride. I didn't see the question earlier.
My favorite housing item is the Swash aquarium
My favourite housing item is my pirate sword! It's strictly used for displaying purposes only ;) YARR
My favorite housing item is the
Gold Pile ARRR!
The Golden Chicken!
Crow's nest
My favourite pet is the Fierce Hound
i like the teleporters
I love the piles of gold because it makes me feel like a profitable pirate.
i hope to win the raffle and thanks for the raffles.
My favorite housing item would be the fireplace :) Just cause I like camping and roasting marshmallows beside the fire :)
ALL!!! :D
My favorite is the Ship In The Bottle.When I'm resting I can still remember the amazing moment and adventure that I had.
My favorite housing item in Pirate101 is the witchdoctor class bed its so awesome how "dark" it is makes me feel like a real witchdoctor and I love the color combo of course.
My favorite housing Items in Pirate101 have to be the housing teleporters.
I love the swirling astrolabe! so detailed ^_^
The gold pile reminds me of all the money I will never have! ;)
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