Hello everyone!
Today I would like to talk about something that has been going on in the community. Something that concerns both Wizard101 and Pirate101. The topic I am talking about is......spoilers.
It seems like every time new content is getting close to being released (especially for Wizard101), there is an influx of spoilers floating around. This seems to cause much debate between community members. Some like and seek out the spoilers. Others don't like having the new content "spoiled" before they can explore it for themselves. I can see both sides to that, but I am here to talk about something different that often seems to get overlooked.
Has anyone stopped to wonder where this information is coming from? Does anyone think it's weird that this spoiler content isn't available anywhere on any of Kingsisle's official pages or websites? That leads me to believe that the person releasing this information is getting it through means that go against the Terms of Service, which is not okay. Kingsisle works hard to bring us new content, and it should be released to the players on Kingsisle's terms, not on someone else's terms.
So how can you tell if information you see online has been released by Kingsisle or not? Well, it's pretty simple. You can check any one of their official sites. Below are the links to both the Pirate101 and Wizard101 websites, Twitters, and Facebook pages. I highly recommend following all these sites, if you can, to stay updated with all the official releases, updates, hints and news.
- Pirate101 Official Site
- Pirate101 Facebook
- Pirate101 Twitter
- Wizard101 Official Site
- Wizard101 Facebook
- Wizard101 Twitter
Thank you for telling everyone about this situation. It really bugs me that people want to ruin our suspense on the next update and our theories by going against the terms KI and the Wizard101 team have set for everyone.
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