Avast me hearties!
I reckon ye sailed o'er 'ere t' learn t' natter like a swashbucklin' scallywag o' the sea. There be more t' it than jus' utterin' "Arrr" so learn th' lingo an' keep from bein' tossed o'verboard like th' landlubber ye be.
- Always refer to yourself as "me," never use "I". Also, use "me" in place of "my" and "meself" in place of "myself." Ex: "I am going to get myself some Yum because I am thirsty" becomes "Me be thirstin' fer a glass o' Yum."
- Never use "you" or "yourself." Use "yer" or "yerself" instead. Ex: "You have a really cool ship" becomes "Ye go' yerself a mighty fine ship Bucko!"
- Pirates mumble and grumble a lot! So leave off the endings of words and slur them together. Ex: "I am going to fight some ships" becomes "I be goin' t' blow 'em bilge rats out o' th' water!"
- Say "Arrrr" frequently. Particularly when you aren't sure what to say. Arrrr be used to mean many things!
- Learn the pirate lingo or slang. There are a lot of websites to help with this. I have listed a few below.

Pirate Language Sites and Tools
These be jus' a few o' th' tools available. So ge' a glass o' yum an' be gettin' t' work learnin th' lingo. Ye will be talkin' like a sea dog instead o' a lubber in no time!
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