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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Marleymite Mission

Ahoy! Yesterday I mentioned that I was on a mission to get the Kurghas some really bad food.....At their request.  I know, I know. Weird little tigers.  But the Royal Navy really needs their help, so the Kurghas need to be kept happy.  That's how I ended up in the cannery talking to a guy about Marleymite, a really healthy, really horrible tasting food. So that brings me to part 2 of this mission: Collecting the ingredients....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Ahoy! After blowing up Beachhead, I went back to talk to the Admirals and they gave me a new mission.  Apparently they lost contact with the Isle of Fetch, so I need to go figure out what is going on. Admirals Kearns, Doggett and Nelson So off I sailed to the Isle of Fetch.  There was a guy at the dock (Sgt. Benton) who told me that the Kurghas started to mutiny after the last shipment of rations.  I tracked down Captain Harkness...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


G'Mornin' Mateys! After taking care of Invader Fortress, the guard finally let  me into the War Room.  The Admirals told me that in order to get my commission, I had to go disable Beachhead, a very powerful, heavily armored sky station.  So I was off to do that, but first I had to stop and recruit a new crew member, Gracie Conrad. My new companion! Then it was off into the skyways to find Beachhead.  There it is! They want...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Invading Invader Fortress

Ahoy! I was on my way to get my commission to the Royal Army.  However, I apparently didn't look up to the job, so the guard outside the door sent me on a little test. Ha! No problem! I guess he didn't know I already have experience with that!  Okay, this wasn't too bad. It was only a couple fights.  But I have to say one thing: I. DO. NOT. LIKE. ARAMADA MUSKETEERS! At all!  I have more trouble with them than anything else...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Favors for a Frog

Ahoy! When I reached Marleybone, it was my job to track down Catbeard.  My first stop was the tavern, where I got the name of Catbeard's "solicitor", Swidget. No idea what's going on here. Maybe he was surprised to see a piratelooking for Catbeard?  Jumpy little frog-man :P  Anyway, Swidget said he would get me in to see Catbeard......IF I saved his nephew from the gang he got mixed up with.  So it was off to do some battling. Froggo...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nautical Leveling in Marleybone

Ahoy again! I decided to take a break from questing to nautical level a little.  My goal is to be nautical level 55-57 when I leave Marleybone.  Right now I am 51 1/2, so it shouldn't be too bad to get to 55.  Anyway, I sailed around and found all the different types of ships in the Westminster Skyway and took some pictures of their spells. There are 5 or six different types of ships to battle.  However, only 3 of them had photographic-type...

On My Way!

Ahoy! I started questing through the new content yesterday.  You may remember that I was on my way to see Catbeard about a piece of the map.  Well, when I got there, I found out he had been captured and sent to Marleybone.  So now my job is to break into Fort Basset in order to get the yellow windstone to Marleybone. However, once I got to Port Regal, of course people wanted me to do things in return for their help.  First up...