Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Eagles!

Ahoy Mateys!

When you get to Aquila, you can find Zeke in Nova Aquila.  He is waiting for you near the fountain with a brand new quest to find The Eagles.  There are 10 of them and here are their locations.

Achaea - Go to the area where the centaurs are. Turn left and run past Pholus all the way to where the ruins are.  Go across the front of the ruins and the eagle is all the way at the end next to the last ruin.

Anthemusa - Leave the docks and turn left. Run across the stream and you will see a gazebo. The eagle is behind the gazebo in a little nook in the road.

Delphos - Leave the dock and run straight ahead to the statue. The eagle is behind the statue.

Illios - When you enter, follow the path and cross the first bridge on the right. Run across the grass on the right and go across that bridge too.  Turn left and the eagle is on the ground between the river and the cliff.

Ithaca - When you leave the dock area, you will see a huge building right in front of you. Go around the back of it and you will see the eagle laying on the ground. 

Knossos - When you leave the dock area, run straight up the sand path to the stone path. Follow the stone path through the archway and all the way through the next area. When you get to the stone ramp, go up it and turn to the right. Go behind the tree and over to the area where the ruins are. The eagle is on the ground behind the left corner of the ruin that has 2 pillars.

Laestrygon - Go to the very last area and go around the pond.  You will see some wood boards leading to a small island. The eagle is on the island behind the rock.

Nova Aquila - When you enter from the dock area, go up the ramp and through the doors. After you go up the three steps, turn right and go until you come to a small room/building. The eagle is on the floor to the left of the door.

Talos - Run past Hawkules and over the grass, to the left of the building. You will see a bench and 2 broken pillars. The eagle is on the ground just past the bench and pillars.

Unoculum - When you leave the dock, go up the stairs directly in front of you. Continue to follow the path/stairs all the way around to the left and up the hill. When you get to the top, go around to the right side of the cliff and the eagle is on the ground.