Ahoy everyone!
I have been very busy today on the test realm, and I have to say, the updates that I have seen so far are awesome! :) One thing I will tell you is this, be prepared for about 3 hours of dungeons before you reach Marleybone. (There are 3 of them.) I'm not going to give too much away (no plot details) but I do have some pictures to show you. So are you ready? Here goes!
The first place I went was the Bazaar. Here is the outside of it. |
The Bazaar sell/buy screen |
Inside the St. Fido's Church dungeon |
The stormgate passage to Marleybone! |
My very first view of Marleybone! |
The first area in MB that you visit: The Isle of Dogs.
This is the dock area. |
Barkeley Square |
Inside the tavern in Isle of Dogs. This is also where you can get the
quest to find The Rolling stones from Zeke. |
An old friend! He looks good in stripes :P |
Another old friend you might recognize from Wizard101! |
A view of the Sewers......Pretty scenic for sewers, dontcha think? :P |
A new companion! |
And last, a couple of shots of where I left off. What is this contraption? Not telling :P But it definitely has something to do with the Armada!
I will be updating with more pictures as I quest through. I'm not going to give too many details or spoilers though! I want to keep some surprises for y'all. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the first glimpse of the new content! See you soon :)
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