I was on my way to get my commission to the Royal Army. However, I apparently didn't look up to the job, so the guard outside the door sent me on a little test.
Ha! No problem! I guess he didn't know I already have experience with that! |
Okay, this wasn't too bad. It was only a couple fights. But I have to say one thing: I. DO. NOT. LIKE. ARAMADA MUSKETEERS! At all! I have more trouble with them than anything else so far. I still managed without dying though! :) Here are a couple pictures.
I guess El Toro didn't like them much either! |
This companion is making the Armada see stars :P |
So me and my crew managed to invade Invader Fortress and blow it up! Woo hoo!!!! Now back to the War Room to see if I can get commissioned into the Army. Wish me luck!
Yes, let's go! Soldiers march! 1, 2, 3, 4....! |
So far I am absolutely loving Marleybone! I don't think there is anything to NOT like about it! All the adjustments they made during test are perfect! Anyway, I should have another post about my questing later this evening or tomorrow morning, so be sure to watch for it! Also watch for a new contest soon! Thanks for reading!
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